Wavefront measurement technology for optics in mobile devices

Inspection of smartphone lenses

Mobile devices use different front and rear cameras with lenses adapted to the respective application. Apart from the extremely limited installation space, these lens assemblies have to operate even under poor lighting conditions, yet should deliver images on a par with high-quality digital cameras.

By measuring the transmitted wavefront error, the imaging quality of these lenses can be precisely determined. Due to the high evaluation rates and outstanding stability, manufacturers of optics for mobile devices choose wavefront metrology for inline inspection and monitoring of the manufacturing process.

Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensors also enable the measurement of lens aberrations off-axis, at field points. The detailed Zernike analysis, and the possibility of measuring at different wavelengths provide a considerable advantage over conventional MTF methods. In addition, polarization effects can be analyzed and focal length measured with the same multi-functional lens testing inspection station.

Inspection of plano optics and flat windows for mobile devices

Protective windows in front of the camera lens also contribute to the overall optical performance and must therefore be tested for quality. Optocraft’s industrial optics testing stations are easy to operate and, thanks to the excellent referencing option, measure with extreme accuracy of 2nm RMS and better. The test wavelength can be easily adapted for VIS or NIR. Automated measurement processes are carried out with cycle times below one second. In addition to the transmitted wavefront, high-resolution images are provided for the detection of visual defects in the inspected optics.

Our solution for the inspection of optics in mobile devices

The systems and modules of the SHSInspect family measure the transmitted wavefront, PSF and MTF of lenses, lens assemblies and flat optics. Moreover, they provide information on chromatic aberrations, focal length and polarization effects, and enable measurements at field points.

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